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Sunday, December 22, 2013


“Be self controlled and alert.”  Peter reminds us three times in his first letter to be self controlled.  His epistle is full of powerful imperatives, based on the indicative of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and it has been too long since I have slowly read through these late letters to the church.  I’ve been a long time in the Psalms, and also reading through slowly from Genesis now in Joshua.  But a small, simple Sunday school class today reminded me of the jewels in 1 Peter.  Four couples, sitting around a round table, wrapping up a study in Peter, sharing highlights, was in fact the highlight of my day. 
We are settling into Ft Bragg together as a family, even if we are still looking for housing.  I don’t know if we’ll be in temporary hotel housing for Christmas, or a friend’s home house-sitting, or Extended Stay, but I’m thrilled we are here, and together.  I have done my Ft Bragg orientation, now I start my unit orientation beginning Tuesday.  Lord, give me a humble confidence as I begin my work here, may I be winsome and as general as possible without compromising my faith or the Gospel of Christ.  Grant Lucibeth health, perseverance, clarity of mind, and enjoyment of the kids.  Open up a home in our base housing neighborhood so we can settle in as quickly as possible and get back to a normal, healthy routine.  Amen!

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