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Saturday, September 14, 2013

My prayer the last few months has been:

- May I have the privilege of early morning jogs with other soldiers
- May I have the opportunity to sleep in tents with other soldiers
- May I have the joy of sharing the gospel with a soldier going into battle.

I've learned that I will likely be the chaplain for an MP brigade attached to the 82nd Airborne.  Probably not much camping. And not that I want to go to battle, but probably also no foxhole conversions in this assignment.  At least not literally. 

We are very prone to romanticize certain settings, environments, and opportunities, and so often real life does not match up to our ideals.  But if Paul can consider it joy to share Christ in a prison, how much more ought we be thankful to live our our lives for Christ in whatever situation he ordains?  Whate're my God ordains is right his holy will abideth! Our great God and Father sits in heaven and does whatever he pleases. 

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