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Sunday, November 3, 2013

Hump Day

Last Wednesday was double Humpday, the middle of the week, and the middle of our training.  It is very enjoyable now, as we are more used to the early morning PT, which I enjoy, and we are in a 'battle rhythm,' in the groove of the typical daily and weekly schedule.  As we get more specific to chaplain training now it is encouraging us to look forward to our assignments late December, fast approaching.   I get the sense that our assignments are up in the air to some extent--whether I will in fact be assigned to an MP battalion, or even Ft Bragg.  But as Lucibeth reminded me this weekend during a sweet visit, "A mosquito won't land on your nose unless God put it there."  He is in utter and complete control of all things, where I go, who I meet, Lucibeth's health, our kids' schooling, where we are assigned, whether and when I am deployed.  He is also moving all things to a final Day--which we are to eagerly anticipate, where he will make all things right, restore all things, reconcile all things, make us who know him like him, where we will be together forever in paradise!

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