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Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Why One More Blog?

Why do I write, someone asked?

My writing started on a vacation to Europe in 1999. Some travel expert had suggested keeping a diary of one’s trip to look back on. But the main purpose of my writing (under the umbrella of the glory of God) was for my children. I realized that I would love to have had my father write about his life experiences—what was it like to grow up in small town Kentucky, what was his grandfather like, what were his disappointments and triumphs, and so on. I labeled my first journal “Memoirs”—I still don’t know why Lucibeth laughed at that, having little faith that it would be a best seller one day.

After two journals, I began moving from paper to computer. (I don’t have Ken Charlton’s handsome script). I also realized that my writing was changing from private thoughts and remembrances to more general insights and thoughts on life, philosophy and theology.

This brings me to my second purpose in writing, which is for the church. Abraham Piper suggests that writing a blog is a great way for the congregation to get to know a pastor and to see his heart. It is also another avenue for teaching important things for which there is no time or place in a sermon. So, let me know if anyone appreciates this and receives encouragement.

My third and final purpose in writing is for my own development. Pastor Ligon Duncan has written: “There is no discipline more suited to force the mind to organize and communicate the truth than that of writing.” So, if there were no other purpose, writing is good for my mind, it forces me to categorize and organize my thoughts, and helps me to think through how to communicate them to others.

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