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Friday, March 28, 2008

The Challenge of Growing Up in the Church

How many of Israel’s kings turned away from the faith of King David? I heard this week of another pastor's children who are growing up and not walking with their God. God, what is going on that I would almost rather my kids not grow up in a godly home? Certainly there is something wrong with that idea!

I told my kids last night they would have immense pressure to turn away. That they would find these Bible stories boring, that they would see hypocrisy in their dad and in the church. Already my son is getting bored in Sunday School (his teacher tells me). He sits at the head of the class and answers all the questions, but he is not really being challenged. And the day will come soon when it is no longer cool to answer questions and sit at the front.

What can be done? Last night during devotions we looked at Jesus’ words, “The first shall be last, and the last shall be first.” I got him to tell me where Jesus might have him sit, giving better seats to his classmates. I got him to tell me that Jesus may have him wait to raise his hand, giving others a chance to think and answer. And I explained to him how he may pray instead of raising his hand and speaking: “God, teach my classmates, work in their hearts, help them to believe in Jesus. And God, help me to not only believe, but to be more and more amazed at these Bible stories as I grow in you.”

And God, give my sons (and daughters) wholehearted devotion to keep your commands and requirements (1 Ch 29:19).

1 comment:

Jake said...

Amen. The whole PK thing, on top of the whole church-kid thing, is scary. God, please let my kids always see their daddy pierced by your Word. Don't let them ever get the idea that I think you're boring.