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Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Training Holidays

I'm told that the Army will exact its pound of flesh, so enjoy time off when you get it. One upside to Army is its training days--usually an extra day off every time a national holiday rolls around.  So last week was a four-day weekend, and we headed to a state park with a local church.  This brought back fond memories of camping with Cornerstone, especially that late-April trip when it was too hot.  Did I say fond?

Actually, it was great.  One morning I went on a run through the woods--one of my favorite things to do--and I recalled the Psalm, "Be at rest once more, o my soul, for the Lord has been good to you." 

Recently I counseled a Soldier who is 'mentally, physically, and spiritually exhausted.' I reminded him of the importance of self-care, to reflect on who God is, what he has done for us in Christ, the blessings we have, the need to decompress and take some deep, unhurried breaths. And then some more. 

After camping, and my first time preaching at Chapel, the boys and I jumped in the car toward Charlotte for the NASCAR race. They gave the Army a bunch of free tickets which we took advantage of. 

Thank you, God, for training holidays, for breaks, for time to refresh, for better focus on the important things of life.  Help my Soldiers, many of whom are overwhelmed, or stressed, or aimless.  Use me to make a difference for the single-Soldiers in my seminar this weekend. Use me in my counseling. Use my family, as the unit sees us interacting, and sees a 'normal,' happy family working through life together.


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