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Wednesday, August 19, 2009

When my mother-in-law died several years ago, we went through boxes and boxes and piles of possessions in an over-stuffed garage. Some items were precious keep-sakes. Much we burned. We took loads to Good Will. One hidden treasure that I discovered was a book by Thomas Kempis called Imitation of God.

Speaking from God’s perspective, Kempis writes, “I am he who in one instant do lift up the humble mind to comprehend more reasonings of eternal Truth, than if one had studied ten years in the schools.” That is worth reading again. And again. To me, it is worth the price of the book.
Are you insecure at work as you compare yourself with your co-workers? Pursue the gracious wisdom of God and you will learn the secret of contentment in ways you never dreamed possible. Does your husband win every argument because…he just does? Pursue the gracious wisdom of God, and maybe your definition of ‘winning an argument’ will change in your favor.

Are you embarrassed that school didn’t work out and you are pursuing your GED? Pursue the gracious wisdom of God and you will realize that he has already given you everything you need for life and godliness. Do you get tongue-tied trying to express yourself? Pursue the gracious wisdom of God, and you will comprehend more eternal truth than a star PhD student. Do you put your pastor on a pedestal? Pursue the gracious wisdom of God and you will see how Jesus equalizes us all—humbling us due to the common condition of sin, and lifting us up together through faith in Christ.

Wisdom is an enigma. The world offers wisdom that really has no source and no end. The gracious wisdom of God cries out for us, and yet we are to search for it. These and other like situations are usually not solved in an instant. It doesn’t come easily, we have to wait for it (Prov 8:34). I don’t even know if we will recognize it in ourselves, though others will see it in us.

God, forgive my simple, foolish, scoffing ways, and fill me with godly, true wisdom from above. Would you please lift me up to comprehend more eternal truth than if I had studied ten years in the schools. And instead of puffing me up, would it have the effect of humbling me and causing me to joyfully point to you as the source of all wisdom and life.

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