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Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Default Response

Nehemiah is one of my favorite books in the Bible—what is most interesting is that he always seems to be praying. My favorite is when he is in the presence of the king, and the king asks what he wants. Before Nehemiah responds, he prayed to the God of heaven (2:4). This must have been a very short prayer so as not to keep the king waiting, or to seem indecisive.

One of the greatest blessings for a Christian is that we can pray whenever we want, wherever we are, no matter the circumstances. There is no external circumstance that can keep us from this privilege. Yet I find myself so often failing to utilize and exercise this gift.

God, help me by making prayer my default response in times of need. And in times of peace and quiet, lead me to pray. Before running to music and talk radio, put yourself on my mind. In the chaos of family life, remind me to pray. And far from being a mere duty and burden, may it become more and more sweet and enjoyable as I realize the reality of the Holy Spirit within me.

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