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Wednesday, October 22, 2008

India Update #4

Bangalore was massive--the stalls, shops, and rickshaws simply went on and on and on. Religious tension has steadily grown there. The Presbyterian church started a children's club for 30 children in town. In a short time it was shut down simply because the children were not allowed to come--whether through direct or indirect pressure from Hindu leaders.

The southern fishing village of Muttom, in contrast to Bangalore is sleepy, quiet and peaceful (we arrived here late last night). Still, an American jogging through the village this morning in tennis shoes and a headband woke many of them up. Eight out of ten simply stare, one frowns noticeably, one waves. Religious tension here takes another form. This southern tip is 99% Roman Catholic, and if someone converts to Protestantism, they are ostracized from the village. At the same time, new jobs and improved prosperity has decreased the importance of the village, and some are sensing a new freedom to think for themselves.

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