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Tuesday, May 20, 2008


I was praying my way through the acrostic ACTS this morning (adoration, confession, thanksgiving, supplication). 1 Chronicles 29:10-13 is a great prayer for adoration and one I want to memorize. When I was on ‘confession,’ my mind wandered to other things (as it often does in prayer). I woke back up and asked myself, “Have you finished confession?” The thought of response was, “I’ve never finished confession.”

There is always more. But the purpose is never to wipe the slate clean, which is already clean. The purpose is never to earn my way back into God’s good graces. The purpose is to exalt the name of God by humbling myself and recognizing the great distance between us that Christ has covered. God is honored and glorified when we confess our sins, when we acknowledge to him that we are sinful and he is holy. The greater our awareness of our desperate need for him, the more glorious and powerful is his rescue through Christ.

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