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Monday, June 2, 2014

Ministry of Presence

This morning my Soldiers are out in the field and parking lot getting refreshers on weapons, vehicle, and generator maintenance.  It is hot, I'm sweating, and I'm sleepy from a short night of sleep.  I'm thinking, "I don't have to be out here, I think I'll head inside to my office."  Just then a Soldier walks up and says, "Chaplain, it means so much that you are out here with us, you are alot more engaged than our last Chaplain." 

That led to a one hour conversation of his troubled upbringing, his faith in Christ, his mis-trust in the church, the desire to raise his little girl in the faith, and an invitation to join me at All American Chapel. 

Last week while walking around, being present, a Soldier stopped me and told me he is getting married in a couple weeks, and he is nervous.  Did I have any advice for him.  This led to an invitation extended and accepted for them to come over to our house for pre-marriage counseling, after they are married.  That is the way it works sometimes.  They are both professing Christians, I think they have a good chance at a good marriage, but they are separated by distance, and haven't worked through some important topics yet. 

Today I led a traumatic incident debrief for four Soldiers who responded to a fatality over the weekend.  Last Friday I led a seminar for single Soldiers on Spiritual Fitness (getting them to think about what they believe, and how that affects their lives), and how to pursue healthy romantic relationships.  Tomorrow I will go out to pray for Soldiers preparing to jump--all the more important due to the jump-related fatality recently.

I continue to love Chaplaincy, and pray that God will continue to grant opportunities to be an explicitly Christian Chaplain.

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