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Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Being a Veteran

I've been in my unit now for six months, plus training last fall makes nine. In three months I'll be promoted to Captain--automatic, not on account of my stellar performance.  It is amazing how much movement goes on in the Army.  I am on the in-processing list for new Soldiers coming in and have a chance to talk to them for 10 minutes.  As a result, I have a small connection with them when I see them out and about.  Now I'm no longer the new guy; I may have been here longer than 25% of the unit. 

No matter how long we, or others have been in our positions, no matter how old, no matter how senior, we are all "placeholders," as one friend said, all holding a position or age, or authority temporarily, to move on to whatever is next.  One senior Chaplain said, concerning this idea recently, "My next promotion is retirement."  Meaning, 'I'm a Colonel now, very important in many people's eyes, but soon, I'll be completely irrelevant from the Army's perspective.'  What am I living for, and who am I fearing?  Am I living for this world, its accolades and fame, or for eternity?  And am I fearing man and worshipping his approval, or am I fearing God, thus seeing man as a mere placeholder?


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