Yesterday included several highlights. In the early afternoon Monty took 10 students to a hearing school in the village to help with a one-hour Bible Club. The kids were fascinated at the 'white people' who visited, and they loved the singing, playing and teaching time. Yesterday evening (back at the deaf facility) we all sang and learned to sign songs, together with the students. The other church we are with did a drama, and Monty gave a devotional/gospel talk to all the students.
Finally, after much work and hard play, yesterday evening we held our team debrief outside on the basketball court under a full moon. The team has bonded well, and we enjoyed sharing stories that touched our hearts from our interaction with the kids that day. JJ Miranda took a poll of who missed their TV--not a hand went up; and who missed their computer--not a hand went up. Ok, I think there was one. Clearly we have been affected by how little the Jamaicans need, and we have learned to get by ourselves with much less (in the way of luxuries and entertainment). God, we pray that the impact from this week will carry on in our lives at home in meaningful ways.
Our work projects continue on this final day. The most rewarding for me has been clearing deep weeds (and trash, rusty metal, bottles, etc.) out of four small gardens encircled with cinder block. This afternoon some went into town to buy vegetable seeds to plant. A handful of students stay here for the summer, and they will keep the gardens up after we are gone. This will be fun for them, educational, and at least a small help financially with the increase in the cost of food.
This afternoon we will hang out with the students one last time, and we will pack tonight. Tomorrow morning we will get a presentation from a traveling signing team, then head to some local waterfalls to debrief and relax (YS Falls). Our team will continue on to Montigo Bay and spend the night at a sort of hostel/hotel, since our flight out is so early Saturday.
Because of our travel, this will be my last entry from Jamaica. Thanks so much for support from many of you, encouragement, finances and prayers from so many. I am confident this short trip has made an impact--both here in Jamaica, and probably much more so in our hearts.
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