Thank God, our mission trip to Jamaica has started out wonderfully. We arrived safely in Knockpatrick, Jamaica, after a 3 hour bus ride. Though tired, we had time to hang out with the Jamaican kids, learning their names through sign language (and white boards). That evening we had a great time of worship and prayer, with a devotion on our first shorter catechism question (What is the chief end of man?). The idea is that we can't do missions really until we know him meaningfully and personally ourselves. And knowing him and gloryifying him is all tied up with enjoying him.
Worship services today were wonderful. Half of us went to a Baptist (speaking, not deaf) church in the village of Mandeville. How truly wonderful to worship with a different tribe and nation, giving us a foretaste of heaven. The other half went to a deaf service which was more casual and laid back. It was meaningful for them to see deaf children and adults sign their worship songs with such passion.
Thanks to many for their support. This afternoon we are off to show some love, and share drinks and snacks with some terminally ill, poor Jamaicans in town. And tomorrow starts our physical work and more time with the Jamaican kids in the afternoon. More news hopefully in a couple days.
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