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Thursday, April 3, 2014

Help thou my unbelief...

I was reminded of this verse this morning in relation to prayer.  Last month I had prayed, and asked for prayer, that Soldiers would show up to a new monthly Bible study (they did).  First, what was my motive?  That they would show up so I wouldn't be embarrassed?  Or that they would be impacted by the gospel? 

Second, the next month (today), I didn't pray hardly at all until the night before.  Am I any less dependent on God and the work of his Spirit now?  Or perhaps moreso, since now I am tempted to trust in man's effort?

Thank you, God, that some came.  That you would encourage believers, and open the eyes of those who do not know you, that they would hear with spiritual ears, and be saved.  That I would have more courage, and better planning for time, next month to make the rounds and invite Soldiers to come.  Thank you for this now established venue to be an explicitly Christian Chaplain.  Thank you for the verbal support of my commander for this, and that she would be able to come next month.

Thank you, God, for this incredibly fulfilling assignment; continue to work in me as I pray you work through me.  Grant me courage to be myself, to be bold, and to be firm when called for.  Grant me peace when I feel like a third wheel off to the side, and grant me an increased ability to plan my schedule in a very fast paced training environment. 

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