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Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Nothing can hinder the Lord

"Nothing can hinder the Lord from saving, whether by many, or by few."  I read this, one of my favorite quotes this morning as I slowly work through the Bible-in-a-year in 2 1/2 years.  Thank you God for another mini snow-storm, for cancelled work, for sleeping-in kids, and for several hours of quiet and a rare, unhurried, long chunk of time to read and pray.  May they be more frequent.

These words were spoken by Jonathan as he attacked a Philistine garrison, and yet there is a spiritual meaning as well:  Nothing can hinder the Lord from saving, whether through Ted Hamm, or Billy Graham."  Do I believe this? I do believe, Lord, help my unbelief!  I also read of Israel's hard hearts.  I also read of God filling David with his spirit after the beautiful transition from the darkness of 1 Sam 15 to the hope of 1 Sam 16.  I also read this morning, "The battle belongs to the Lord." 

God, I am a mere vessel, a jar of clay.  Fill me with your Spirit and the powerful truths of the Gospel, awake as in days of old to soften hard hearts; in wrath, remember mercy; open blind eyes to the hopelessness, the waywardness, the emptiness of lives without you.   Help me to be faithful as your servant, to be ready to give a reason for the hope within, as I re-commit to memory the gospel summary in Two Ways to Live, and open deaf ears to hear and respond to the gospel.  Grant me opportunities to be an explicitly Christian Chaplain, and not just a really nice guy. 

I pray that my car would make it to Pawley's Island this weekend to join my family who has gone ahead, I pray you would help me continue to learn the acronyms of the Army, to understand the 'battle rhythm' of training, to understand the training calendar of our unit so I can find out where groups of Soldiers are and can join them as they train.  Thank you for the privilege to pray for the Soldiers who went on the jump last week, and for the two scared Soldiers I was able to minister to more specifically.  Give me the words to pray as I get ready to pray at a change of command ceremony next week.  Help me to be a comforting, encouraging presence, and much, much more.  

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