"You are the salt of the earth," Mt 5:13. We are in our home, which we love, unpacking boxes, trying to organize the chaos, enjoying 10 days' leave to settle in. Some had said to us, "Don't live on base, people are right on top of you, and you have no space." But we love it. This afternoon probably a dozen couples were out in front of their homes chatting, kids biking up and down the street, or riding scooters, or shooting bows from arrows. This is one of the things I love most--a lively street. After all, salt can't be far from what it is supposed to flavor, enhance and preserve. It is distinct from, but becomes almost a part of the food itself, it is so close. It is like living in community, diving in, getting dirty in the messiness of life, laughing, playing, talking, eating together. And it will be supporting, crying with, praying for two women across the street whose husbands are deploying in a couple weeks. This is why we are here, and I love it. God, help us in our home church decision, help the kids get acclimated and settled in. Help them to make good friends--some to reach out to, some to be encouraged by. Please help Lucibeth to have more good days than bad, and keep us close together, and close to you always, Amen.
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