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Monday, January 12, 2009

Jesus' Best Friend

We can’t know for sure, but I think Jesus and John the Baptist were really good friends. After all, they were cousins, and John was excited about Jesus even before he was born (Lk 1:41). If they and their moms were that excited about what was going on, can we imagine they wouldn’t take every opportunity to hang out growing up? Wow, to be Jesus’ boyhood playmate.

As an adult, John the Baptist is murdered for speaking out against an ungodly relationship (Mt 14:4). This is fascinating in and of itself. There is such a movement in the church to listen to unbelievers (and we should), and respect unbelievers (and we should), that we forget we are also stewards of truth and bearers of an unalterable standard that is good for the world to hear as an essential part of the gospel.

Upon John’s murder his disciples go and tell Jesus; Jesus hears this and immediately withdrawals to an isolated place. No one has known the mind of God, but Jesus was somehow both already aware of this murder (as fully God), and at the same time shocked and heartbroken (as fully man). Like the rest of us, he too needed to get away, he needed to grieve, he needed to recharge, he needed to be with his Father. He was spent.

But the crowds followed him, and upon seeing them he had compassion on them, healing their sick, feeding them, and providing for their needs.

I confess, too often as a pastor you work hard, pour yourself out, come home late; you are ready to crash and receive love, and the phone rings. Or the doorbell. But God will always give strength to do what he calls you to do. He always equips for the tasks he has ahead. In fact, in some sense I believe the pastor (and any friend for that matter) should be recharged through listening, loving, counseling, praying for someone in need—God, make it so for me!

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