Keep your life free from love of money, and be content with what you have, for he has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” - Heb 13:5
Mark Zuckerberg has an almost 100-meter yacht with its own tender for maintenance and re-stocking. What was his thought process? "My peers have 50-meter boats. I have way more money and don’t know what to do with it. So, I’ll get a 100-meter boat." Or, "I have to have a longer boat than Larry Ellison, whose boat is 88 meters." Somewhere along the way, he became a slave. I don’t know when; maybe around $10 million, maybe $50 million. At some point he walked into the cell, and the jailer closed and locked the door.
Bill Gates may be free from bondage to his fortune. He has given away over $50 Billion dollars to charity. I write 'may be' because of these rich Getty lyrics: "It's not what you give but what you keep, is what the King is counting." Think about that. How are you and me any different, just Scaled down a few commas?
A close friend had a really good year financially and started to build a custom home. The general contractor asked him, "Do you want two or three shower heads in your master shower?" His reply was, "Um…two, I guess?" Why is one not enough? Ok, I admit, I would have said three. But the point is that at some level of wealth, one shower head is just not an option.
God, I love money and I love shower heads. I may not have as much or as many as Mark, but I love them just as much. Grant me the gift of contentment knowing that I am rich beyond measure in Christ Jesus.