The Dow Jones stock index is closing in on 40,000 points. As a teen I remember seeing 12,000, sitting on the floor while my dad watched evening news. And in my 40s I remember a picture of an investor in the news wearing a t-shirt with the printed message, “30,000,” eagerly anticipating breaking through that threshold. I wonder where that guy is now—is he content or is he wearing a “40,000” t-shirt?
Our best indicator of wealth has risen tremendously, but ironically a key “happiness index” has just reported last week a drop in US happiness levels.
I think it was Ryan Holiday who asks the insightful and penetrating question (of anything in life), “How do you think that will make you feel when you get it?” When ancient cultures set up idols on hills to worship, God told them through the prophet Jeremiah, “An illusion comes from the hills. Today we could say, “Hills even made out of money are an illusion.” But we keep yearning, not able to see through the mirage. Not until we come to know that Jesus became poor for our sake, in order that through his poverty we might become rich. But look over there—someone just printed a 50,000 shirt. Wow, I can’t wait.