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Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Contented Activity

I continue to thoroughly enjoy, and be fulfilled with, my role as Chaplain for the Military Police Battalion on Fort Bragg.  I enjoy being with Soldiers where they are—at the range, motor pool, in the Company areas--slowly building rapport and relationships.  One Chaplain reminded me that a big part of our job is planting seeds.   As I am present with my unit, Soldiers ask questions, set up appointments, or pull me aside, and I have the opportunity to do just that--plant seeds.   But even more, I am thrilled with the fact that I am meeting semi-regularly with about five Soldiers who are considering Christianity, or desiring to return to (turn to?) Christ after years of spiritual neglect.  
Another Army job opportunity came across my e-mail last week--Chaplain recruiter out of Atlanta, GA.  I reflected that in years past, I was always itching to jump at new opportunities, new adventures, new places; but that it was mostly out of fear and a sense or running from, rather than a sense of running to.  God, thank you so much that I am content--more content to be where you have placed me than I ever have been before.  Thank you that I enjoy my work and am satisfied with staying here as long or as short as you want me. 
God, that you would change hearts and for these Soldiers to respond to my challenges—to invitations to chapel and churches, to read Scripture, to read books, to lunch, to Navigators, and to respond to gospel summaries I have given. 

 Father, help us with new challenges in parenting a teenager, for protection of family time and wisdom in deciding what extra-curricular activities to be involved in, and for educational decisions in the coming year.