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Monday, September 29, 2014

Regimental Week Activities

Most of the family in an Armored Security Vehicle.  Very safe, and claustrophobic.  The Army frequently has celebrations for which you can invite the family.  This gives them a better picture of what Soldiers do--riding in vehicles, trying on parachutes, handling weapons, etc.  This also gives Lucibeth and me a great chance to connect with spouses we would not otherwise see. 

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Couples retreat at Myrtle Beach

Single and Step Parent Retreat

Jaynie and BJ in Hummer


Thank you God for seeing us through some very busy days, and for a time to catch our breath. Thank you for the privilege of opening Scripture with a Christian Soldier today. Thank you for the blessing of opening CS Lewis with a sceptic last week. Be at work in these hearts and more, encouraging, convicting, and drawing many to yourself. 

Monday, September 15, 2014

Straight as an Arrow

Motorpool Monday is when the entire Battalion goes to do preventive maintenance on their vehicles.  It is a time-honored tradition, and an excellent time to catch up with Soldiers.  I spoke at length with one today who was highly encouraging.  He is a Christian with two teen-aged daughters.  Mom and dad are also in school working on degrees.  They are dealing in healthy ways with parenting challenges, some typical, some unusual.  But he talked about overcoming generational patterns and preparing to send his daughters out on the right course.  I prayed with him, for his daughters, for their Family, their church, their communication, their emotional health, and much more. 

I reminded him of Ps 127: "Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them (kids)".  Children are like arrows: we form them, fashion them, sharpen them (or did in ancient times before Walmart).  But we raise them up for a specific purpose.  That is to shoot them out into the world, in a particular direction, prepared to fly straight, aimed at a particular target. 

Often I think of ministering to others.  Thank you God when I am reminded of overarching life purposes and I am ministered to by others.  God, I also pray for the Soldier I am meeting with to discuss Christianity through Mere Christianity.  Open his eyes to see and believe.  Grant me wisdom and courage to speak truth. 

Bless my Company of Soldiers in Louisiana, my memorial service this Thursday for the Soldier who committed suicide--grant me the Scripture and words to speak.  Bless my son Craig who is 14 today--and give us wisdom, balance, grace in parenting him, and them all.  Grant strength through Friday's local marriage seminar, and the weekend marriage seminar at the beach, and time to recover and regroup, and be refreshed next week!  

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Smiling Countenance

"I smiled on them when they had no confidence; the light of my face was precious to them," - Job 29:24.  Here, Job is defending himself by way of how he treats the poor and downcast.  In this verse I saw a summary of a big part of what it means to be a Chaplain.   A Soldier just asked me if I was going to a training event in Louisiana for three weeks.  I told him I offered, but that there were Chaplains down there already.  He went on to tell me how much he appreciates that I'm willing to get involved, get dirty, go through driver training, go on ruck marches; that I'm willing to get pepper sprayed (I was not allowed to by the trainer, thank God). 

As Soldiers see an officer, and Chaplain with a Cross going through life with them--especially the less enjoyable parts, they are encouraged.  As I chear them on, they are encouraged, as I honor them by being a listening ear, they are encouraged.  When I give them respect, they are encouraged. And they often then will open up to me, which opens up opportunities for the Gospel. 

God, help the Family and friends of a Soldier who took his life last weekend.  Give me wisdom in helping Soldiers debrief and process; give me wisdom for the right words for the memorial ceremony.  As he was a jokester and generally funny, likeable guy, may we never take for granted the emotional and spiritual state of others.  May we be willing to deeply engage others with loving, probing questions, reflecting the immense dignity and value of human life that God has created. 
