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Thursday, November 21, 2013

Nothing greater for a man

I finished admin work late tonight, after a long day. A short night then early pt. I just reflected that I can't believe its Friday already. That hasn't happened in a while. Praise God for enjoyment of work, to see fam tomorrow, and to see some old, dear friends from FL. 

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Death, where is your sting? Life, where is your sting?

1 Corinthians reminds us that if Christ has not been raised, then our faith is useless and we are still in our sin. But Christ has indeed been raised from the dead!  This evening we go on a short field trip to USC Med School's gross anatomy lab.  The idea is that our instructors do not want our first experience with death and dismemberment to be on the battle field.  A good friend took me to this lab years ago, and I remember the surreal experience of cold, clammy skin.   This thought makes my role in the Army more real and sobering.  Yet, in Christ, there is no fear of death and dying.

Scotty Smith reminded me recently in a prayer that for those who have no fear of dying, we also have no fear of living, and really living life to the full.  Army training continues to be excellent.  We are now deeply into counseling soldiers in resilience, against suicide, marriage counseling, how to pick a partner and the like.  But as I learn, I am applying many Godly principles to myself, and I'm experiencing more freedom from past ways of thinking.  And more freedom to really live in joy, and not in fear.  Even some 'secular' methods have common grace insights, training us to help Soldiers be more healthy physically, emotionally, and spiritually.  I guess in the process I'm plundering the Egyptians for my own use, and am very thankful.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013


I drove home this past weekend for another sweet visit with the family.  Training continues to go well, and most aspects are now very enjoyable, as we have gotten into a routine and have learned the ropes, and as the leadership have lightened up...a bit.  I am now a squad leader, and also essentially the class social director.  I'll take the lead on the year-end banquet, and frequent birthday celebrations.  We are into classes on counseling, which are too short, but helpful.

I am blessed that I can drive to Charlotte most weekends. Some classmates have not seen their families for two months now.  But even after one week of separation, I eagerly anticipated holding my wife and kids in my arms.  I reflected fondly on the kids' growth and development, how fast they are changing, I prayed for them, I couldn't wait to be with them.   I shed some tears just listening to music that we loved and had listened to often together as a family.

As sweet as that reunion was this weekend, our reunion with Jesus will be infinitely sweeter.  That reunion will be in a state of absolute perfection.  He will make all things right, he will wipe away all our sins, he will love us perfectly, he will embrace us in his arms.  Often it is difficult to look forward to heaven because our eyes are so fixed on this world.  But earthly reunions give me a little better glimpse, and help me to say, "Come Lord Jesus, come."

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Hump Day

Last Wednesday was double Humpday, the middle of the week, and the middle of our training.  It is very enjoyable now, as we are more used to the early morning PT, which I enjoy, and we are in a 'battle rhythm,' in the groove of the typical daily and weekly schedule.  As we get more specific to chaplain training now it is encouraging us to look forward to our assignments late December, fast approaching.   I get the sense that our assignments are up in the air to some extent--whether I will in fact be assigned to an MP battalion, or even Ft Bragg.  But as Lucibeth reminded me this weekend during a sweet visit, "A mosquito won't land on your nose unless God put it there."  He is in utter and complete control of all things, where I go, who I meet, Lucibeth's health, our kids' schooling, where we are assigned, whether and when I am deployed.  He is also moving all things to a final Day--which we are to eagerly anticipate, where he will make all things right, restore all things, reconcile all things, make us who know him like him, where we will be together forever in paradise!