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Monday, June 22, 2009

A Fail-safe Investment Opportunity

As far as I know, my home value has continued to drop. My retirement fund too for that matter. I don’t know for sure—I choose the bliss of ignorance and throw my unopened statements in a file. But the one thing that has improved is my attitude. I’m taking every opportunity that my mind wanders to those topics to praise God for his sovereignty, his provision, his care for me, his sheep.

Luke 12 helped me a great deal in this area today. Jesus teaches about the great care of our Heavenly Father over and against the fading, temporal value of earthly goods, then he says in verse 32, “Do not be afraid little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom.” I almost kept reading, as I often thoughtlessly skip over golden nuggets in Scripture.

Wow. If I will very soon inherit the very kingdom of God, if I will co-reign with Christ; if there will be no debt on the New Earth—only 100% equity forever; then why should I worry about my temporal equity being underwater at this point in time? If God will do all these things for me forever, then will he not also care for me now?

God, help me to turn every occasion for anxiety into an opportunity to worship you, the Great Provider. Forgive my anxiety over temporal problems and help me to positively marvel in full belief in your great care and provision for me—both now, and into eternity.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Our New House

Our summer vacation took us to Mount Vernon, among other places, where we received a special tour from Lucibeth’s cousin Carol, Assistant Director there. We learned so much about Washington—that he never chopped down the cherry tree or threw a quarter across the Potomac. We learned that his father died early, that he had no formal education, and he only got his start surveying through his brother’s connections. He was pretty poor early on, and he received Mount Vernon only as an inheritance. What a gift! A beautiful house on pristine land overlooking the majestic Potomac River.

In 1 Chronicles 17 God says something very strange to David: “I will build a house for you.” This is interesting because David had just said that he wanted to build a house for God. What does God mean—that he would literally build a house for David to live in? No, God’s promise has to do with building a dynasty, building a legacy, building a kingdom where David’s family would reign forever.

The culmination of this promise is of course Christ, who descended from David and will reign forever. Christ will build his Church and would be the Chief Cornerstone himself. So, what does this have to do with us?

Those who repent and trust in the name of Christ are brought into this house. We are co-heirs of the promises and will reign together with Christ. As God’s sons and daughters we have inherited all of God’s promises to David and much more.

I don’t think I will inherit a beautiful home on 100 acres any time soon. But I have much more than that. I am part of David’s royal, kingly line. God has built a house of Living Stones, and I am part of it.

God, help me to know this is true and to feel the weight of these incredible promises. And help me to live out these truths in courage and contentment, knowing that you have prepared a glorious place for me, a new house for all eternity.